Writing Is Curative: Why I Long To Write Every Day.
Although I had the ambition to try out Trading, I always wanted to try writing too. It wasn’t an interest to write that kicked off. But I could go on for hours reading a good piece of writing, be it fiction, non-fiction or short-form content. So it was a natural progression of my interests for me wanting to write. I wish to be interesting as the people I look forward to reading.
The longing was there at the back of my mind. Never found a motivation to stick to the habit, though.
The platform Medium got so much enjoyable that as much as I looked forward to reading the gifted writers here, the desire to put my thoughts into words got stronger in me.
I have followed acclaimed resources about being a better writer. Stephen King’s On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft has been a significant influence though the effects took time to grew on me. It made writing magical and systematic at the same time to me. Medium as a platform went a long way to boost my confidence. The way community uplifts each other gave me a feeling of oneness that I haven’t seen as an aspiring writer.
Scott Adam’s The Day you became a better writer is a short but inspiring read for an aspiring writer. There are an innumerable number of inspiring resources. Read and follow good resources about writing. It can only make you get better.
The single thing that has made writing therapeutic to me was writing something every day. Even though it has not been long, I try to put it into practice. After the attempts became regular, the feeling that has been soaking me is the thirst to write. The quietness and calmness that envelops me, the questions I ask in attempts to get in touch with myself, my life long learning and understandings add to make the time and experience I don’t want to miss in my day. So I long to write every day. Writing feeds my curiosity. Unlike previous times when I read to absorb, the knowledge stays with me when I write it down. The longing to write has replaced my social media scrolling at the beginning of the day. If I can’t make time to write in a day, I try to make a journal at the end of the day. In general, it has made my day more organised. As it’s an activity done for myself, I make sure to find time to fulfil my responsibilities and have a productive day.
Making up the time and mind to write goes a long way. Never worry about the content, style or reach; write. Write everyday. Write for yourselves and in simple words. Rest would follow.