The Day I Found Clubhouse!
Clubhouse is a drop in audio chat room app taking social media by storm these days.
In clubhouse, people from different walks of life talk about various topics, anything and everything under the sun. At this point, to access Clubhouse, one has to be invited by a user already on the app giving it an air of mystery. Another layer of exclusivity is made to feel because it’s only available on iOS now.
I heard the chatter about Clubhouse from my husband. When Elon Musk had a spontaneous conversation with Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev while all the “GameStop” saga was going on, it spiked my interest further. So I downloaded the app and registered for it. I was put on a waiting list for the invite. I was hoping to receive an invite for Naval’s clubhouse room which was happening the next day. By the time I managed an invite from my husband, it was already over. I made it in time for an overflow room with Elon Musk. Hence I had a grand introduction to Clubhouse.
The next day, I became part of a room Naval was hosting, and many more interesting conversations from around the world followed. Other rooms in the rage where the bitcoin/ crypto rooms as crypto bull run were high. It was a celebration of enlighting and meaningful conversations. In the beginning, I left behind all my work and got hooked to clubhouse. In the same room, listening to all the people you have only read about/listened to in recorded videos, all your life felt so surreal. Gradually a balance started to set in, and now the social media scrolling is completely replaced with Clubhouse time.
Every room in clubhouse, irrespective of the topic, is fun and enlightening. Be it about crypto, fitness, philosophy, movies, or anything else is the culmination of many clear minds. It’s like in an hour or two, you read so many books, articles and get in touch with so many things out there in the big wide world.
The latest highlight of my clubhouse timeline is the room I was part of, which hosted Chris Voss, master negotiator and author of the book “ Never Split the difference”. He is a former FBI hostage negotiator who has handled many delicate hostage situations the world has known recently.
Even though many friends have recommended the book to me on Goodreads, I had not even bothered to check it out as the “said reviews” didn’t match my idea about the book. He’s such an inspiring orator and engaged the room so lively. This was not his first appearance. Being so impressed with the person, I decided to check out his book. I was mindblown.
Reviews about the book will form a separate post.